Sunday, October 5, 2014

Social Networking

Social networking websites has been around for years. Currently the popular ones are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and blogs. One of the many benefits to these social networking technologies is that people are able to stay connected with each other even if they're miles apart. Besides helping distant family and friends staying updated with each other, the social networking technology can help people access employers for a chance of recruitment. One well known website current used for job recruitment is LinkedIn. The benefit of this website is that, not only those in search of a job can use it but also employers can select the people they want to employ by looking at their uploaded résumé. According to "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting," Langfitt states that there are "8 million professionals spread across the world" who uses LinkedIn and with a click of a button the recruiter can find high quality candidates they won't find anywhere else. Alfred LaSpina was hired as a product marketing manager by a company called Osram Sylvania as a result of making an account on LinkedIn. The recruiter was able to view his profile and background information and decided he was the right fit for the job. Thus social networking websites has benefited job hunters and recruiters by allowing one another to look for the right candidates for the job from a span of selection from around the world.

Although these technologies may be beneficial, there is a "dark side" to it. With social networking websites being so convenient to communicate with others, people abuse the power of the internet by using it for cyber bullying. According to "They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites" by Jeffrey R. Young, there are "abusive, harmful, and embarrassing personal attacks on high-school-aged children." People would comment anonymously about their classmates and make false accusations about them. The classmate would talk trash about another through a school form used for news updates. It is hard to control cyber bullying with users being able to create fake accounts and comment anonymously on the internet but there are ways to track down the user with the help from government officials.

Undoubtedly, these technologies will eventually evolve in the future. With technology advancing every year, it isn't surprising that these technologies will someday impact our world significantly. In comparison to apps we use everyday on our phones, there will always be an update. Maybe someday, social networks will come to the stage where people would no longer speak face to face any more. People would rely on the internet so much that they might eventually replace face to face conversations. Who knows what might become of the future. With so much technology being created and impacting our daily lives, it's hard to tell what's to come next. 

Works Cited
Langfitt, Frank. "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting." NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.

Young, Jeffery R. "They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites." Chronicle, Web. 05 Oct. 2014

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