Friday, October 24, 2014


Creativity usually leads to building new inventions. The various inventions are what differentiates one individual from another. Companies try to design newer products that differentiates itself from other companies. All companies want to please their customers. They want to provide the needs to customers so more people will be interested in buying their products. Since our society is moving towards the reliance of technology, companies trying to come up with new ideas that would attract more consumers. For example, Ford is a motor vehicle company that has been around for quite a while. The company notices that people "were modifying Sync, its voice-activated system for playing music and getting directions" (Miller). Since the system is being widely used by other companies as well and is being upgraded, Ford needs to think of newer features that would give them a competitive advantage to lure in more consumers. Same with new media, as more and more websites are being created everyday, web owners are looking for ways to update their domain so consumers would continue using their creation.

Not surprisingly, some ideas the companies have come from the consumers. For instance, hashtags came from a twitter user called Chris Messina "to mark conversations about a certain topic with the # symbol" (Miller). Other users started to follow the trend as they've noticed it. Twitter then built on the idea by hyper-linking the hashtags so other can view the same topics. Ideas are always being added on to. Whenever there is a consumer suggestion, companies acknowledge their needs and try to better its products. With new media, creativity is always on going as companies are constantly coming up with new ideas upgrade its products.

Works Cited
Miller, C. (2009, October 25). "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers". Retrieved October 25, 2014.

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